Our ‘Port Talbot Learning Hub’ is a well-established Centre of Excellence, for the delivery of wood carving, carpentry and pyrography courses, and to add to this mix, we have introduced a new set of courses every Wednesday, that will be delivered from the Hub. If you are into ‘Crafts’ or have never tried before, come along to our Hub in the Addison Road Workshops, where you will be welcomed wholeheartedly. Make new friends and learn new skills this Autumn!
Upcycling: Art & crafts
This course will focus on making something new, from something old and unwanted. Through demonstration and discussion, you will discover what can be done with a variety of textiles and materials that would otherwise be discarded. Bring along your old curtains and clothes and transform them into something new!
Needle Felting
This course will focus on how to needle felt as a creative craft. Using step-by-step guidance from the tutor, you will learn how to produce an array of items, from Christmas cards to 3D sculpted Christmas decorations – all in readiness for Christmas 2023!
Your tutor will be Maria Parry-Jones

Course Days and Times:
Upcycling; Arts and Crafts: Wednesday’s, 10.00am – 12.30pm
Needle Felting: Wednesday’s, 1.00pm – 3.30pm
Click here to see more photos on our Facebook page!
For more information, please contact Jason Passmore, jason.passmore@adultlearning.wales